Call for Papers
Sehr gerne könnt Ihr Eure Themen/ Vorträge noch anmelden. Da wir ein internationels Puplikum haben, sollten diese auf Englisch gehalten werden. Daher nun auch die Anleitung in der original Version. Wer nicht so viel lesen will: Themenvorschlag bitte per Email an steini@motodrone.org.
The Motodrone is an international autonomous flying objects convention and challenge, an autonomous event hosted by a group of people interested in advancing the state of the art in the design and implementation of autonomous flying objects. Motodrone, with its main competition as well as the workshops that enframe it, was launched to provide an environment for researchers, hackers, and tinkerers in which they can freely exchange ideas and test their skills in designing and flying that ultimate little flying thingie that you have always dreamt of. If you are interested in the building, programming, and flying modern computer-controlled drones, then Motodrone is the place for you to participate, contribute, learn and have fun.
Motodrone is an event and conference that has both an academic as well as a very practical nature. As such, it is meant to be free from the constraints of academia as well as specific industry requirements, i.e. we have always been proud to invite participants from all walks of life without regard to their organizational affiliation.
In 2011 we were active at the Chaos Communication Camp, and, as always- on the grounds of the aviation museum Finowfurt, next to the legendary Finow airfield near Berlin, Germany. We are especially proud to be part of our larger family, as the idea and concept for the first motodrone in 2008, hatched at the Chaos Communication Camp 2007.
TOPICS. The challenge/flying competition that is the centerpiece of motodrone 2008 was originally designed to foster advancement in the field of autonomous flying objects, with a particular emphasis on
– identification and documentation of ground objects by video
– precise execution of flight plans with defined way points
– autonomous navigation over unknown terrain
– autonomous recovery from critical flight attitudes
– automatic pick-up and depositing of small objects
ROBOTICS. For our motodrone convention 2011 we had enhanced the topic and want to dedicate our village to a more general approach to issues, which extend across different study fields of robotics. In 2013 we would like to continue the exchange with experts in the field of robotics and thus welcome all papers in this area also.
WORKSHOPS / LECTURES / TECHNICAL EXHIBTION. While we want to foster the discussions around the ideal flying object, and teams will be able to show outstanding performance in all of these areas, it is not mandatory for your project to encompass all of these aspects in order for you to participate. If you believe that you have something valuable to contribute in any area associated with the advancement of autonomous flying objects and / or robotics, you are encouraged to submit a proposal for a workshop, lecture, or simply exhibit your project in a way that allows the other participants to benefit from your findings, or simply have fun while learning about it.
Lectures should not exceed 45 minutes plus up to 10 minutes for questions and answers. An extension of this time limit is possible under certain circumstances if mandated the nature of the lecture mandates it. Workshops should include an introductory presentation on the underlying principles and a practical hands-on session. For technical exhibits, please let us know how much space and what other infrastructure (if any) you require.
LANGUAGE. Motodrone is an international event. To allow for the participation of as many international participants as possible, the event’s official language is English. If you believe that you have something valuable to contribute but feel that your English language skills might not be quite up to the task, please contact us and we will try to find a solution.
HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRIBUTION. Authors and prospective workshop organizers and exhibitors are invited to submit papers or proposals for consideration by the program committee in digital format via Email to steini@motodrone.de.